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theres an ice cream truck out on the block :)

| what do g/u/rls want

| you :3 *kiss*

| Justice cream

| i just want to be happy

| >>1037271
Is chocolate okay?

| I only do vanilla

| g/u/rl cock to suck

| blue two ball screwball

| >>1037305
This is not that kind of ice cream truck

| anythign mint

| >>1037282
Isn't it odd how we use vanilla to describe something as mundane or ordinary when it's one of the fuckmost expensive spices in the world

Those are my favorites!

The trick to a good pair of blue balls is in the screwin
... I'm sorry. I'll let myself out now.

| >>1037341

*fucks your mouth* <3

I didn't get it but you're cool with your formatting tricks!

And I'll have a nice vanilla ice cream cone too! but do ice cream trucks have that? the ones near me just have like 'pops' and kinda slopish cheap packaged stuff.

They must only bring the best near you cause you're so cute ^^

Total number of posts: 12, last modified on: Mon Jan 1 00:00:00 1735080576

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