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Hi. Man here.

| Women scare me. They also think they are better than me because they are attractive. They are too powerful. I have to avoid females now because they want to take everything from me. WOMEN, STOOOOOOOOOOOOP!!!

| I will rip out your guts through your mouth

| Ur sperm belongs to us!

| But sometimes women touch you and talks to you and other nice stuff

| nonbinary hands wrote this post

| >>1037252
Sounds cool

| fake news, men don't exist. shut up and take your estrogen g/u/rl

| I believe you meant to say "Soon to be femboy or trans girl here."

| >>1037258 exactly, if u cant talk 2 women, become women

| whats ur addy op ill mail u e

| there are NO MEN here stop lying

| >>1037279
i talk 4 women. they hate your post.

| >>1037346 i am a woman

| new id oop

| >>1037363
did you become a woman because you couldn't talk 2 them before?

| >>1037365 nah i became a woman cuz i like men

| >>1037368
Must be nice~
I only date women and maybe I'm stereotyping but it must be helluva lot easier to date men

| >>1037369 if u look fuckable men want u lol, its ezzz

| where is the dick pic

| >>1037372
So casual sex, that's it?

| >>1037400 im not sure, i did that and got my bf of 2 years :p

| >>1037243 yooo me too like same same brooooo frfr *fart on your hand*

| >>1037243
i feel this way too :(
yeah but being dependent on them for softness and niceness is scary and like im a burden. i wish we could all be cute and nice together, but men are the ones who make all the money and achieve things, and lots of women are really upset by men but dont accomplish anything in their lives and trans girls are smart and cool but cant have kids, and even if we trans half of people would be cis and hate the inequality and not having money.

| and i might get horny from it but i dont like anyone fucking anyone. we're supposed to cooperate together not want to just act on others without them loving us back.
you're really based but a cis woman wouldn't try to help or solve things she'd say 'cringe' and 'gross' and you'll either want to fuck me even if i dont want it or get fucked without loving me back. and then you probably wont have kids and no one will be like you and aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

Total number of posts: 24, last modified on: Mon Jan 1 00:00:00 1735078852

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