met a fellow tfem at work

| she hugged me :3

| fuck you

| >>1036988 thx 4 the support

| did your weewees touch?

| Did you put your male genitalia together?

| Did you make out sloppy style?

| >>c74a99
It's always great when you meet one of your peers. Don't feed the samefag troll btw, she's not worth it and all 3 of us know she fantasied about being a woman at several points in her life. lol

| >>1037005 im only me. Dont know about the other g/u/rls though

| >>1037005
That's not something for them to be ashamed of. I don't like the 'you're secretly gay thing' because I feel like it's chasing them more into their fear :(
maybe that's cause I'm afraid though ;)
but that's super cute :3 You should exchange info maybe if that was appropriate!

I met a transfem at a makerspace and she was early in her transition and out there doing her best and seemed a unconfident and I was kinda scared because she was

| bigger than me and looked a lil autistic and I feel scared I'll upset autistic people but I really don't mind them and I'm sorry for saying that and I tried to be really like 'wow you're cool' and nice and share my project with her to make her feel included and like people cared about her and she was nice and gave me cool tips but I dunno I maybe just was a weird and I gave up on my project and found a great used part which did the thing and their hours really sucked so I only saw

| her twice I hope she's happy cause she was pretty cool. So big thank you if you browse here! I guess the hours don't actually suck btw I just run out of energy to do my own things really easily.

| What the fuck is a tfem? Some kind of team fortress shit?

| >>1037182 terraformer. otherwise known as a climate change enthusiast, a bunch of dweebs that think spewing co2 into the atmosphere is good, actually. don't fuck with it

| >>1037186
Conservatives should to kill themselves. Terraforming earth by pumping co2 into the atmosphere is the future, you're the shit that comes before that.

| >>1037186
yay! I love teraforming I want to turn that big desert in africa into a rain forrest and then call it happyland and invite all you you
made me smile tho ;-)

Total number of posts: 15, last modified on: Wed Jan 1 00:00:00 1735089073

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