Post number #1036879, ID: e37e85
my family hates me because I cant get hired anywhere lol should I just die then what else do I do
Post number #1036880, ID: 9b2822
Have you been *trying* to get a job?
Post number #1036883, ID: 695774
dying will be more disappointing, start small win big. Make those nosy parents cry with how much you are earning daily.
Post number #1036889, ID: dda165
>>1036880 I don't see how that's relevant omfg my family hates me wdy
Post number #1036894, ID: 9b2822
>>1036889 cause you should tell them youve been trying lol
Post number #1036900, ID: 1bce77
try sex
Post number #1036901, ID: c50ebe
>>1036900 all work is sex work 8)
Post number #1036905, ID: 5eea76
Tell your parents that all your friends got their jobs through their parents connections. That'll shut em' up.
Post number #1036909, ID: e37e85
>>1036880 Yes. I've had like 5 interviews in the last month I'm just not good enough for society fucking hell why can't I just live in a room with food and internet for the rest of my life thats literally all I ask for
Post number #1037103, ID: f38f31
Have you tried being nornal
Post number #1037108, ID: 90e04e
>>1036909 That sucks and I can understand how it takes a toll in you but it's important to keep the momentum up. I know it's easier said than done but try not to stress yourself out. I have a friend who stopped counting after 40 interviews.
Remember never to vote for politicans who enable or support a society that punishes the most vulnerable.
What country or state do you live in if I may ask?
Post number #1037116, ID: 9b2822
>>1036909 Brutal. In the same boat. Trying to fight my anxiety with every resume handed/submitted and every professional 'networked' with
Post number #1037129, ID: 9872e3
Keep us updated! You can fuck my face if you do one more cutie!! (ok you could do it anyway) ;) but I don't want you to die so pls dont ;-;
Post number #1037135, ID: cc3395
>>1036880 lmfao I have a friend who is having the same "problem" as op. Has a degree but is just crying about having to actually GET A JOB. "8 am to 5 pm??? I think I'll kill myself if I have to work that"
Post number #1037159, ID: 9872e3
>>1037135 poor cutie. I wish I could hold her and squeeze her a little and she was really attracted to me and found me cute so she would wiggle up against me and to make a long story short we'd both make each other cum and look in each others' eyes and feel so safe with each other under the covers. And I'd help her with little baby steps and she'd find getting a job the scariest thing she'd done yet in her life but she'd do it! even if she quit on the first one or something I'd be
Post number #1037161, ID: 9872e3
there for her on the second try!!! and then she'd be encouraging me too and we'd love each other so much because it's not about 'oh these people are so silly they haven't been exposed to things I find slightly scary! It's about seeing them grow and bloom and flourish! and sometimes that doesn't mean you're the prettiest or best employed, but it means you get all the love and happiness and bringing joy to everyone around you that you can get! and I'm cheering you on OP, AND friend!
Total number of posts: 16,
last modified on:
Mon Jan 1 00:00:00 1734918942
| my family hates me because I cant get hired anywhere lol should I just die then what else do I do