Opinion about SIGNALIS?

| I think it's cool though the fanbase is fucking cringe

| Very good game, I have yet to finish it.

| >>1036876 My exact thoughts. It's well done.

| Why is this in /u/ not v? Also signalis is very good game don't engage with retarded fans

| >>1036922
Because every board except /u/ is dead

| signalis affected me on such a deep level i never knew games could. in the best way. its reputation of "my sesbian lex game is actually traumatic horror game" makes me want to hurt people and feel gross about being gay. genuinely have not had a day where i didnt think about signalis since it came out though. beautiful game made specifically for me and no one else :)

| >>1036876 the fanbase is gatekeeping so it doesn't turn out like blue archive or phonk

| >>1036971 it isn't though?? The fan base is just cringe, also how would it turn out like blue archive lmfao

| >>1036959 cowards

| >>1036959
The game thread in /v/ is the oldest active thread, you know.

| >>1037008 listen the people who only use /u/ are the retards who doom post that the sites dead. let them live in their little world man

| >>471394
You talk like you're 14

| >>471394
You talk like my senile grandma

| Errrm im trans so you all are racist ableist far right wing nazi bigots

| >>1036922 because /v/ is fucking dead.

| >>1037050 by the way I'm vegan

| the game looked cool but kinda boring to actually play. i don't think anyone in my steam family could finish it.

| How is the gameplay?

| Game play is good, not fantastic, but good. The atmosphere is fan fucking tastic though

| i think it's pretty good, gave it a chance and didn't finished it cuz i dont like the style of gameplay very much, but it's a damn good game

| I know I'll play it eventually so I kept away from spoilers but I always assumed it was a gameplay first kinda game with cool atmosphere and story built on top of that

| elona

| wow looks really beautiful but way too dark and scary for me.maybe if i had someone to hold my hand :3

Total number of posts: 23, last modified on: Thu Jan 1 00:00:00 1735080398

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