To my friend

| This is addressed to sugoiwinter. A friend, and someone I will miss dearly. I hope more than anything that you're still alive and with us. But I know in my heart that you aren't. I'm sorry. I could've been there when I wasn't. I could've done something and didn't. I'm sorry.

| :(

| oh shit I messaged her when she posted here. She never replied but my message was kinda dumb. But that led to me getting more active on discord, which I think was good for me. wow she made posts I like too. She's a lot like me.
What do we do so this doesn't happen again? I really hope you're ok too.

| 40%

| 40%

| >>1036929 to be honest I don't know what to do. And I'm not really okay. But I appreciate your concern, and your engagement. Honestly, after the first couple days I though this was just gonna go ignored.

| Context pls

| >>1036930 >>1037046 it's 50 50 tho

| >>1037209 /u/discord stuff, Didn't see that person for a while

| >>5c81c6 I have very very good reason to believe a close friend of mine, and someone that posted in the discord server took their own life.

| >>1037227
I thought that about drink degree..

| >>1037288 sorry to hear that g/u/rl. it's not your fault

| its not your fault its not your fault they wouldnt want you to continue on blaming yourself its not your fault

| >>1037196
Yeah... I dunno either :(
That's why I wrote that. I checked on my more sad friends, but that's just a reaction. People need hope and to feel full of life and being loved I think.
Thanks a lot for posting this. I though a bit about bringing this up on the discord, but what would I fucking say. I didn't know her, I just feel like I've known her all too well.
Thanks a lot for the reply.

>And I'm not really okay
HEY!!! BE OK >:(
sorry I dunno but I want you to smile :)

Total number of posts: 14, last modified on: Thu Jan 1 00:00:00 1735088280

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