Man I just wanna can of Dr pepper

| I hate winter, school and the country in which I live. I just want to buy 24 cans of pepper, lock myself in my apartment and surf the Internet for games about lesbians

| Eh, dr pepper kinda mid

| Yuri sucks. Play Shenzen IO.

| i watch yaoi and imagine the bottom.

| i watch yaoi but imagine the top.

| >>1036796 <3

| doctor octogonapus

| >>640543 yaoi sucks too.

| all I wanted was a pepsi (guess the song)

| >>1036809 jew

| >>1036809
You clearly havent watched the genre defining classics then. Yuri is written for men, while yaoi is written for MEN

| >>1036814 mrrp meow cock

| valid i wish i could do the same

| >>1e744b my g/u/rl

| Ah, Dr. Pepper.. nostalgia.
At least do not hate the study itself!

Total number of posts: 15, last modified on: Tue Jan 1 00:00:00 1734835501

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