Did Epstein jork himself?


| your grandmother sucked epstein's dick and he didn't cum

| I agree with the next post below me

| age of concent should be lowered to 3 weeks

| ^ so true! based troddler-pilled placenta lazed cock individual.

| >>1036547 ok nvm never speak again

| >>1e20a4

| >>1036565 im going to self harm because you said this, life will never be the same (.ᴖ.)

| >>1036575 sent pic

| >>1036576 ill touch you nigga

| >>1036581 oh yeah? sent me your email

| >>1036582 y ????

| >>1036584 how are you going to touch me without knowing where I am?

| >>1036585 fine, [email protected]

| tuch mah boddeh

| more like alexandurr

| >>1036693 kill yourself

| fuck, new id

| >>b9b525
What an alexandurr thing to say

| >alexandra
she named herself after a macedonian twink. a macedonian twink of all things. what's next, tomorrow i'm gonna wake up and you're gonna be posting serbian ultrainternationalism smh what the fuck is wrong with you zoomers

| >>1036705
Grandpa, what the frick are you talking about?

| >>1036705 buddy i chose alex because its unisex and would keep my initials and my friends startes calling me alexandra so its gendered cuz its uncommon to have ungendered names in Germany.

| it aint that deep

| plus my birth name isnt even Alexander

| No it's Alexandurr, right? Just kidding. Alex is a great name.

| >>1036719 tyy, is alexandurr a joke i dont get? haha im dumbbb

| Alexander is actually a name with meaning! I think alex sounds pretty, but I don't like the meaning.
From alexin- to ward off, keep away protect.
Andros- men
Paris was known as alexander in the field, and the goddess Hera was also known as alexander 'one who comes to save warriors'
You're a boy protector! You save and protect boooooys!!! :3 :3 :3
boys feel safe around you. Warriors are bolstered and rescued by you :3 oooh I'm teaaasing you :3 :3 :3

| I guess alex just means protect though so maybe you can save g/u/rls too

— if i'm wrong punish me and make me wear collar
if i'm right headpat me and hugs me ^^—

| >>1036910 my mischivous scheme to make boys feel safe around me

| >>1036911 im too sub 4 that


| >>1036928 u can be a subby protector. like a guard dog or smt

| >>1036974 guard kitten

| >>1036910
Huh, I didn't know that! I used to know a guy named Alexander Ward.

| i like boys

| >>1036710
As someone named alex this propaganda is weird

| >>1037004
Alex is a great name but don't worry, no one ever implied that you were.

| >>1037004 you will be Alex and you will be happy

| >>1036927
: D : D : D better watch out or alexandera is gonna protect me!! What do you think of Anaximander? it comes from lord apparently. Meh. Philip mean philos-love hipos-horesys! ok some g/u/rls would like that but I dunno. Homer- like the poet comes from 'going with a companion' homeros apparently! So it refers to the blind and hostages!
oooh I wanna be a guard dog too bark bark!
>>1036927 >>1036990
boys status: protected and cherished

Total number of posts: 39, last modified on: Mon Jan 1 00:00:00 1734918283

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