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| can god lie
>no it cant
very robotic, valid
can god do mistakes
>no, theres no wrong
>all its creation is perfect
>fallen creation
....who, who is lucifer again? i cant remember whos this. what is fallen. is fallen perfect?
whats going on. why is it so trippy. is it written by roman poet? the ones in brothel? it's literally the same.

| or whatever remains in the pee stained rotten bed, maybe, among the stinky, white chalked bones, or pompei? right in the cupboards.

| hey whats up schizo, stopping by to say fuck yourself, stop shitting up the board.

| hey whats up schizo, stopping by to fuck your mouth, please keep posting i love you gently.

| New topic: how would you make C- - : C but worse? I would ONLY allow pointers!!! No more variable names!

Ps: op I’m not trying to be mean to you I just really don’t understand you and I don’t like stuff with gods because I think it’s fake and wastes our time but you’re not bad and you’re entitled to a kiss from me any time!

| >>1033694
Wouldn't c-- just be assembly?

| I think there were things before C but I don’t know and reading makes my head hurt. I thought the ++ referred to improvements in features and not to an overall higher level language. If it does the latter, than yeah it would be assembly I think.

| >>1033696 >>1033701
Why not B? Or you means double minus is double downgrade? Then why not A?
// Yes, there are two historical programming languages: A and B; before C.

| Oh yeah!! I read about those a little once!! ;) you’re smart

| Thank you! ^_^
// But I will keep trying to be better (:

| c- ute and funny g/u/rls this time of year

| >>1033813
Present company extra included of course! ; )

| c-walk your way out this thread. its /prog/ g/u/ys only up in hea

| >>1033835
wrong! the /prog/ g/u/rls. That's right.

| >>1033891
Import ubehavior as ub

| >>1033937
backed away a little in surprise.

Total number of posts: 16, last modified on: Fri Jan 1 00:00:00 1732618315

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