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quick question about loss and grief

| In what ways does your immediate emotional and behavioral response to loss and bereavement differ from those typically observed in others?

| I usually DON’T feel things! I don’t think we should feel things ever! Just don’t care! It’s all stupid anyway

| Sex

| I continue the killing through more sperm ejaculating.

| it's too late op. i've already depicted you as the buffoonish juror 3 and myself as the unbothered and collected juror 12. it's over

| the best teachers, they prevent you from doing even more retarded shit in life

| A frequent switching between going about things normally and being generally happy to having intense dissociation and flashbacks and being incapable of doing anything. No in-between. Just all or nothing

| It is delayed, then explodes into anger days later.

| OP here. if you have autism or ASD, i really need your answers too haha

| >>1033455 same, I'm emotionally flat as mei misaki or lain iwakura but also i feel guilty for it somehow

| >>1033514
I do, idk if my ID has changed but I'm >>1033474

| >>1033519 you should allow me to have emotionless sex with you

| >>1033539 no, i prefer to stab things and earning money

Total number of posts: 13, last modified on: Fri Jan 1 00:00:00 1732185960

This thread is permanently archived