if you ever get rich

| do NOT
i repeat DO NOT
ever make your babysitter walk your kids home

because if you are a rich fucker that DOES do this, then i have to walk a fucking mile uphill while those brats are being fuckign annoying to the tippy top of an apartment where the security also being annoying as fuck because "hurr durr this random person showed up with two kids we see everyday" and they wont believe youre a babysitter and not a kidnapper and it takes half an hour and TRGTDVJURSHJB I HATE MY JOB

| try sex

| You're a saint, I'm sure anyone else would've lost it and give up to any sin right after.

| >>1032883 imagine being rich, having all the time in the world (rich can't buy time tho LMAO) and still not wanting to walk your kids to school and back home!!!


| I want you

| >annoyed by a 30 minute walk she gets paid for

| I'm rich and I can walk you instead. How much?

| >>1032908
I cummed my pant immediately pls come FUCK me

| >>1032927 5$ per hour

| >>1032927 actually it's 50$

| >>1032927 Sorry I meant it's 50k$ per hr

| I do find babysitterchan extremely attractive but let’s try to be extra thoughtful of her and not make her uncomfortable because I heard husbands will try to sex them and it is sad and makes them uncomfortable and we want her to get to relax and smile after doing so much for those kids.

I walk a few miles every day and I feel ok do you have practical shoes? It sounds to me like their unpleasant behavior is the real problem now that security is sorted out… no solutions come to mind

| Are you hydrating and having enough carbohydrates and things? Maybe you could stop halfway and have the kids tell you about what they learned and share some fruits to re-energize? Maybe don’t let them rush you- you’re supposed to be in charge right?

| In a just world you could make them be nice and try to tune out their excess energy if they’re just a little loud but maybe the parents want to encourage them to be mean to the lower classes to train them for upper class exploiting jobs but I don’t think they should get any help at all if they’re so evil! I’m going to get rich just so I can hire you to make my kids the best kids ever!

| >>1032928
line up, sluts, money is no problem (╯3╰)

Total number of posts: 15, last modified on: Sat Jan 1 00:00:00 1731568185

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