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Gonna get drunk agaon

| Gonna get drunk aganin like the title says. ALso gonna take a pack of paracetamool, hoping I dontr wake up up. Was nice to be wityh you all. ypouir girl logging out. love you <3

| boring

| Paracetamol? G/u/rl, overdosing on OTC medicine has a <1% success rate. Save yourself the bother.

| this is your life on alcohol. don't say you weren't warned.

| Lol, most sane needy streamer player

| Trying to OD on paracetamol is like trying to OD on water g/u/rl (⁠ ̄⁠ヘ⁠ ̄⁠;⁠)

| You'll just become more depressed. Your liver is gonna turn into sand and raise your blood pressure, that's it. Also people will think you're stupid.

| Hehe, die

Total number of posts: 8, last modified on: Sat Jan 1 00:00:00 1724714450

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