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/u/ is officially dead the thread

| Rest in peace. We should have never let anon E go

| don't stick around then OP

| you're right, it's dead, no more posting anymore, guess you can't ever come back, we'll never see you again because it's dead, so no more posting, cause it's dead, forever, and you can never post again, ever. Goodbye op.

| Post here to prove that /u/ is dead!


| radio killed the danger/u/

| /u/ is so dead


| +1

| If /u/ is dead then who was phone?

| *fucks your mouth*

| The worst time to have a heart attack is during a game of charades, especially if your teammates are bad guessers.

| lol I get another joke for you: How do we know that Death is a man? He always comes quicker than expected.

| so dead amirite?

| OPs mama so fat, she uses sheep for tampons.

| OPs mama is so fat that when she sits around the house she really sits around the house

| I think you might be confusing ‘dead’ with ‘resting for a quick power nap’

| Maybe it’s just in a low-key phase—everyone likes a bit of chill time. Also if this is dying, I’d love to see what revival looks like~


OPs mama so fat, when she sat on an iphone and turned it into an ipad.

| OPs mama so fat her snapchat filter is an entire planet

| OPs mama so stupid I told her to do the robot.....and now R2D2 has AIDS

| Ops mama's so classless, she's a Marxist utopia.

| third dead thread in a week!! woohoo!!

| People are still talking about Anon E? /u/ really is over. Dead /u/ theory

| >>1025479 I pray every night before bed, thanking Anon E for the board we've been given

| Evrytim sum1 mkes dedthred psot, thred livs? ಠಿ⁠_⁠ಠ p3rp13xing

| *perplexes your mouth*

| wooden perplexion


Total number of posts: 29, last modified on: Sat Jan 1 00:00:00 1724645357

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