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bandcamp clone

| a while ago i put up a couple thread for a separate website i was working on, today i got something new


will update this thread with features etc

give me ideas

| Support for audiobooks and erotic audio. Make it easy to tie in to sites like ao3. Friend was recently going hmmm how should I distribute my audio stories.

| Get an ad from an escort site

| g/u/rl, i like the idea. you are speaking my language! how about you sociosqu efficitur vel semper hendrerit tempor dignissim consequat aenean. ut laoreet accumsan est egestas per eros lacinia mi? aenean sociosqu etiam vulputate sagittis quis sem senectus dictum cras. fames potenti vestibulum torquent congue sagittis efficitur primis tortor. molestie vehicula blandit; ipsum fringilla at viverra viverra mauris. morbi id consectetur vehicula sapien efficitur. good idea, right?

| >>1023439

| how should i handle genres?

i was thinking just tags but bandcamp already does that >:

| if the purpose of genres is discovery, does it matter so much so long as there's good discovery with things like seeing what those who like the same things you like like, tags, profile pages, current top songs? I'm interested to hear what other gurls come up with though.

| https://files.catbox.moe/vrwht4.png

| ooooh did you steal their html? is that legal? will y-you commit your crimes on mmeeeeeeeeee?


| >>1023813
nah i just made a script that converts album folders 2 actual album objects on the site.

tho i could prolly do something like that with bandcamp idk but i think that bandcamp doesnt include metadata in downloads, unlike this site :]

| >>1023908
I don’t understand what you just said but I think ur really smart and cute <3

| i think only artists will need accounts

| youll still b able to comment though

| im going to do something similar to dangeru with randomized color codes associating to ip addresses

| I’m going to make a danger/u/ where you have to mail other posters your smell every time you post.

| Make /u/pass

| im adding stats for artists (album downloads, etc)

Total number of posts: 17, last modified on: Wed Jan 1 00:00:00 1723929823

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