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should get the bar higher?

| do we like it easy and open or it's time to make the interactions smarter?

| How smart are we talking?

| I tried in vain to encourage a higher bar and better quality interactions but got scuffed or ignored by pretty much everyone so I became a troll instead lmao

| >>1023331
*fucks your face*
I’m sorry if you want I’ll try to make some quality replies if you’ll give a topic. I just don’t know much, and don’t want to make things worse so I usually only talk about what I know: ie I love sex

| >>1023325 No idea, it has to be decided with how are everyone are shaped, but realistically I don't see how someone would care so much to make any concrete deduction.
Instead, I think it'd be cool to make it a failed lunatic asylum since being lawful doesn't pay off.
>>1023331 At least something still happens.

Total number of posts: 5, last modified on: Wed Jan 1 00:00:00 1723472386

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