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| How are u, g/u/rls? How's your day?I'm going on shift, today I'll have to grind about a hundred corpses ^_^

| I'm cutting myself rn

| >>1022437 What sort of corpses OP? ;w; Personally I am okay but mildy concerned about your corpse grinding... My day has been alright, I want hugs.

| >>1022439 Ah, dw, they're already burned to ashes. I just giving them a final touch, so to speak. Also *gives you a hug*

| >>246d22 what's the fun though?

| Oh, just waiting for my job placement to begin and looking after my puppies

| >>1022438 I'd cut you down rn if you know what I mean

| >>1022531 I don't know what you mean tho ( ˶ •́ ω •̀ ˶ )




| >>24af0a You are now lactating

Total number of posts: 13, last modified on: Sun Jan 1 00:00:00 1722983843

This thread is permanently archived