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| Every time I feel a little pinprick after shaving it makes me feel anguish and I want to manually rip out every single follicle on my body until there's nothing left

| Me too gurl qwq if you can, try using a hair removing cream. I love you and I'd give you lots of kisses ;3

| hehe y'know we could cut ourselves together -v-

| >>1021648 I have absolutely $0 right now but I'll try it when I can.

>>1021651 I'm trying not yo do that anymore. It makes me feel bad about myself :(

| >>1021657 we could just trade our scar pic ;), And if you feel like it, we can even get a new identical scar together *o* that would be pretty cool =v=

| Yeah me too I’m a clumsy gurl and always cut myself with the razor. But also my head hair is starting to fall out sigh.
I think that’s really big of you not to cut. I would give you lots of kisses too

| Nah its not that bad unless its down there in the coochie. Thats where I draw the line.

Total number of posts: 7, last modified on: Fri Jan 1 00:00:00 1722258162

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