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Is bubble tea overrated?

| so recently my friend bought bubble tea for goddamn 6 dollars (I don't know how it is in other parts of the world, but in my country it costs exactly that much and damn in my shithole it's a lot of money for a fucking drink) and I just wanted to ask those who have tried it
is it really that special? according to her it's just a tea flavored with a couple of fruits (in her case it was passionfruit, orange, raspberry, mint and tapioca pearls ofc).

| I just don't understand from the description what's so special about it for it's price

| Are you secretly trying to tell us that you hate ball sucking?

| bubble tea is an affront to taste buds and a blight on the culinary world. in terms of presentation, it looks like someone vomited colorful slime into a cup, complete with large, slimy blobs floating around. it's a miracle that the very idea of a bubble tea stand hasn't made numerous french communities commit mass suicide.

| if you do go ahead and taste it anyway, you'll find that the texture of those chewy tapioca pearls is akin to swallowing frog eggs or eyeballs. maybe this the french would enjoy, but to anyone reasonable, it's a sensory nightmare, leaving a coating of slime on the mouth that screams "unnatural." the drink itself? one sip of it transports you to wilford brimley's insulin bereft asshole.

| it's like a group of nobel prize winning scientists got together to invent a product 100% guaranteed to cause type 2 diabetes within a fortnight. beneath the sugar, if you're even able to get that far into the flavor spectrum without your gustatory system going into shock, lies half of the periodic table, and heavens only know why. just put some fucking tea in there, it's in the name. no. no tea here today.

| this never was about tea. this was about producing a nutritional wasteland, a hellhole of empty calories, artificial ingredients, a cup that offers nothing to the body and everything to the marketers who brainwashed consumers into believing this 'tea' a cool and hip choice. any respectable individual should avoid this disgusting drink and instead explore the myriad of delicious, natural, and culturally rich beverage options the world has to offer.

| bubble tea deserves to pop and fizzle into oblivion.

| As long as I get my Porxie King mount I'm good.

| >>1021222 It doesn't even have fucking tea in it? I guess don't even have to say anything then
just an another day I'm disappointed in the world and another reason to go live in the woods

| I also (generally because of the huge price) suggested that gurl that you could produce it yourself, but now realizing that it has a lot of fucking garbage in it, first of all I know why it costs so much and secondly I generally don't like it much by its description. maybe I'll just try it on my birthday one day and say “what a nasty thing it is” and just forget it

| and also I read on wikipedia its history, and originally in the eighties it was quite ordinary black tea with with condensed milk honey and tapioca

sounds too sweet (although it depends on the proportions) but in general I think I can try to make something similar at home

| I enjoy it. Idk

| It's alright (mine cost 2usd top tho)

| facehuggers arent real so i have to settle for bubble tea to satiate my oviposition kink unfortunately

| milk tea is where its at. i have everything to make it in bulk so it costs ~2.5eur

| >>1021240

| >>1021243
Chocolate bubble milk tea looks like it'll taste alright desu because apparently the boba balls will suck up chocolate flavour and release it in your mouth

| I love it, when the balls pop in your mouth it just adds to the explosion of flavour.

| it tastes just ok, nothing too special
>>726944 is waxing poetical very well but you could definitely just find a bubble tea store that doesn't cost 2 teeth and a kidney and try it for yourself

| No, deffinitely not. I rate bubble tea as trash tier, and it is 100% not overrated!

| Find something You enjoy and share it with her instead! I think it's best to enjoy a child size dose of sweets since you get used to them anyway as you drink ; ) That's my secret tip to you!

Total number of posts: 22, last modified on: Sat Jan 1 00:00:00 1721941211

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