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Holy shit russian movies go hard af !!!

| Just watched this movie

I don't speak a word russian but holy shit I think they shot womens wombs out so they can't give birth to more chechens and then the chechens crucified a russian and idk wtf is going on. chaos throughout. gurls this goes hard af

| Bruh, it's the purgatory, a total trash exploatation movie. Better watch from dusk till down or planet terror or some other shit that is more well done.

| Also https://youtu.be/uONM3UvntY4?si=9uhOipHOCmnkua1I is an actual based movie and it goes hard

| >>1020644 watched it using autotranslated subtitles and yes it goes hard af
on the edge of my seat at the end !!!
thanks for the recommendation gurl love youuuuuu xoxox <3<3<3<3

| tryhards

| Is Hostel still considered going hard?

Total number of posts: 6, last modified on: Mon Jan 1 00:00:00 1721708948

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