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Is eating raw lemons strange?

| What about with the peel?

| To me, yes I find that weird but I don't like lemons anyway, So you do you.

| Makes tummy hurt if too many but I eat the one in my water at restaurants if I have bread or something to settle things (though no more water for me, I have found the golden path :3 )

| >>1019738 Must be an aquired taste! Tell me, how can one learn to enjoy more easily the rich, acid, and sour taste of a raw lemon?

| I just do it to be healthier and look tough, it’s ok in having a new taste, nothing special, but yeah kinda unpleasant. I think you can put salt on them.
But I’m a dangergurl grrrr don’t mess with me

| gross

| to me it's like a very "regular" kind of strange, like a cool fun fact to pull out about yourself
i like the taste of raw lemons so i find eating them raw fine but i don't do it

| Idk is putting them in your butt strange?

| Are you trying to avoid scurvy or something?

| I always eat the one they give at restaurants but that's usually it. I don't buy lemons to eat all on their own

| I will meet you half way and bite this tomato

| Nah it's not weird, it's tasty!
I eat them without the peel though

| Raw lemon goes hard. The peel is a bit much but who am I to judge

Total number of posts: 13, last modified on: Tue Jan 1 00:00:00 1721078943

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