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I wanna talk to someone without a dick again.

| Felt like a century ago.

| stop hanging out with people whose definition of a woman involves a penis, then
i am completely serious in saying this

| >>1018820 No, it's philosophical here, to have a dick or not. I'm completely okay with people's identity and stuff and I'm completely serious about that too.
But this is different, this is not about identity or gender or sex or ideology or whatever, I have a dick that is relatively smaller than average Caucasian dick and I wanna talk with someone without a dick.

| what's your issue again?

| Play stardew valley and write fanfiction with me then.

| >>1018820 Stop hanging out with a majority of the world's population.

| >>1018996 Wait nevermind I think misread. Whatever.

| It’s ok you can have my dick if you give it back gurl <3

| ( ◜◡̅)っ✂╰⋃╯ *SN!p*
will u talk to me nao op

Total number of posts: 9, last modified on: Wed Jan 1 00:00:00 1720314549

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