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| I wish I could bite people casually,
like totally gripping into their meat and keep holding it till I'll dig their bones out...
Many people are about gasping others with hands but I think you get a more premium version of it if you grip them out of their position with your jaw's power and how good it feels to use the teeths compared to the nail which break easily...

| I want to slip my tongue inside their bodies and really TASTE them imagine slipping your tongue up a cute g/u/rls urethra and she squeaks as your snake like tongue tickles its way into her bladder and into her blood stream licking and s teasing, and you go “ooo eed oo ink oar wa-er” and hand her a water bottle and she giggles and you can taste her blood pumping faster and the sweetness of her blood sugar and her soft plaque covered arteries (I’m imagining an American)

| Damn,that's one long tounge lmao

| >>1018647
G/u/rl are you a mosquito or something? That is kinda hot though.

| >>1018692
I’ve been doing stretching exercises :3
Tyty <3

| You lost me at drinking her bladder.

| You can bite my neck if you may want to, i won't mind *staring away*

Total number of posts: 7, last modified on: Sun Jan 1 00:00:00 1720162693

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