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dangeru is mid

| I miss being more chaotic

| your stance is mid

| How should I be more chaotic? I don’t want to break anything or hurt any of my gurls.

| If you say it like this, you make me doubt
I'll see what I can learn from this pacing

| true!!

| try having more sex and more fun!
--DR. SEX--

| Okay, uh, let's see

Pomu de familia something something
Cut ur wrists and post pics
*fucks ur mouth*
I love sex.
Have sex and have fun.
40k chan has good art
*posts link to virus*
The feds are watching
Lain is god
Boys don't exist only g/u/rls

| >>1018681 lmao, I said half those thing everyday on this site

| I LOVE sex :3

| >>1018681

| Women should wear thigh highs and skirts instead of pants

| *degenerates your art*
*plays jazz all over you*

| >>1018987 I think they could just fit those over the pants if they wanted to.

| Plus this place reeks of normalfaggotry, so I'll take my leave

| >>1019008
My mom said to stop saying that word because it’s a term of shame. A bundle of sticks- a burden- might be bad to be to others, but when your life is a fearful act of how useful you are, it’s painful gurl! I would kiss you and jerk your off, even if you’re normal, it’s shame and a constrained mind that’s the real problem!

| >>1019008 bunnycunny take another win

Total number of posts: 16, last modified on: Fri Jan 1 00:00:00 1720324196

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