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i want some change

| i'm into liking what's wrong.

can I have some beating to understand how can someone live on just by appreciating the sun's light, or whatever simplicity that's overly done into the goodness some speak of?

| i want to make it as much of a child chat as possible

every other word is deceiving so let's make it shorter and shorter

| god I missed reading schizo posts like these glad to see /u/ still has em

| *hands you 47 pence*

| you're at least 2 pence off and missing serveal zeros behind it

| *hands you a serval*

| is it edible?

| i would advise cooking it first

| like boiled eggs without water or boiled eggs with oil?

| my sister in christ, are you asking me to provide you detailed instructions on butchering, preparing and serving servals

| ez jus hawk tua on that thang xDD

| I support this totally

| Sorry, I've only got high denomination bills on me right now.

| >>1018469 I wish we could tell how many different parallel views are we using when talking ;.;

Total number of posts: 14, last modified on: Sat Jan 1 00:00:00 1719960524

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