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i mean it's not more than you can handle so

| you dont really wanna go to palestine either, dont you?
it's just a good chance for holiday isnt it?

| you were never competent, they say

guess they suckd

and now, you do.
and praises? damn, aint that cheap?

you are not made to thank, and it didnt kindly think, or get any from you.

let's not forget

it's all possible if you want
but you didnt want this one.

hypocrisy is too smart of a word

you are just constantly
too forgivable for all the ocassion

| Are you a schizophreniac?

| >>1018285 no, are you? why try and make yourself sound intelligent?


| The frog in the well cannot speak of the sea, because it is confined to the void

| >>1018323 must be angery than your only friend and food is just a frog

or, your only friend, is your food
your food, is your only,

| Frogs don't live in the ocean idiot LMAO

| Jessie what the fuck are you talking qbout

| The world's wind and clouds come out of my generation, As the heavens add to the years, people add to their lives, not The chrysanthemum in golden autumn defies frost.

| >>1018285 that's clearly a normal speeching pattern, don't people talk like that all the time?
btw did you hear those voices inside your head? I can't really tell who's telling the truth

| >>1018273 either?

| >>1018285 50K has her own undiagnosable issue

Total number of posts: 13, last modified on: Thu Jan 1 00:00:00 1720039998

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