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6, vent to me about whatever you need

| Poppy is here to listen and take care of you

| You missed a couple days

| >>1017576 But her aim is getting better!

| I love sex.

| vents cum lovingly to you

| I can't believe my GP fucked up my prescription again!

| I hate niggers

| >>1017576 yeah I've been kinda depresso lately but I'm trying to stay somewhat consistent

| >>1017626
Don't worry about it, I was mostly saying that as a joke. I've been depressed most of my life so I know how it feels...

| >>1017626 >>1017627 I would like both of you to know that, I am perfectly healthy and motivated!

| >>1017628
Good for you g/u/rl. Depression is hell.

| Depressed gurl is the best <3

| > dIpRiSsID gIrL Is tHi BiSt (。々°)

| I'm 24 and all my friends are on their eight relationship while I'm still a virgin
my best friend fucks has like 3 regular dudes she fucks PER month
like damn I never believed in that incel blackpill bs but the more I live the more I realize they might be onto something
tf do I do now g/u/rls?

| >>1017687
have sex with me and this whole situation clears up pretty fast

| >>1017687 no ideal gurl, I do know how to sex people online but I have no ideal how to sex people irl. Gl gl

| >>1017687
Wtf I’m 24 and a virgin too g/u/rl like what are the chances?
Anyway I’ve made peace with that porn works, and I made a friend I can feel cute and nice with online. I hope you’re having sex and having fun, even with yourself : )

| >>1017676 yasss they areeee

| >watches porn everyday
>why am i single? suprised_pickachu_face.jpeg

don't just jack off at home all the time

| Jerking off is pretty cool. You should do it with others too.

Total number of posts: 20, last modified on: Sat Jan 1 00:00:00 1719447938

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