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day 4 tell me about your day

| My day was alright, I went to a rock climbing gym, got my hands nice and messed up, wifi was out all day so played games, ate good food, meow'd around. How about yew?

| That sounds fun! I uhhhhhhhhhhh yeah not much back to you!

| Had a pretty good day. Studying for an exam I have tomorrow, with breaks spent playing various game demos on Steam. Just played through the demo to an upcoming game called "Kitsune Tails" that was real cute and fun. Now gotta do some last minute revision before turning in for the night.

| Gadaaam I wont to go to rock gym too

| 12 h shift,fap,sleep,repeat

| I just woke up, may or may not self study more coding, but will definitely keep on NEETing. yeeh suck it government

| It's midsummers eve so I'm about to head out with all my friends and family to celebrate the good things in life!! Not. I'm all alone this year so i might go for a jog to cheer myself up a bit.

| My day was shit as always.

| i cumed on a pineapple and it tasted like shit

| Just came yeah tasted pretty good

| Have sex and have fun.

| I stay at home and rot in bed

| Been stuck waiting for an airplane all day.

Total number of posts: 13, last modified on: Wed Jan 1 00:00:00 1719017141

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