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binge drinking?

| should I start binge drinking and crash my car as a little goof?
I'm so lonely just thinking about paramedics talking and touching me is heaven

| bing drinking

| >>1016930
hooking microsoft bard up to my butt blug enema pump to my beer can hat to my everclear

| Damn that'd be funny as fuck as a premise.

Reminds me of blue jam where a woman lies to a grandma about their daughter dying to provide her with emotional comfort.

Visit jp and go to those nap on girls lap parlors.

| I'm planning on waiting for all the drinks to come out before I start binging them.

| Serious answer: Occasionally getting hammered is fine but you should try to limit your consumption as it can have serious impacts on your liver and stuff later on. Drink water and eat food when drinking.

/u/ answer: yassss queen slay that kitty drink :3

| When I was in college I remember we'd literally have the EMTs pull up to the freshman dorms at least once a week because people drank way too much lmao.

| >>1016929
Yes. This is a great idea.

| Heyyy Gurl ofcourse that such a good ideaaa why didnt I think of this before?? Hmu when you get your hands on them handsome nurses there ;)))

| Why is drinking and driving so much fun?
I know it's super frowned upon but driving fast with loud music with a good buzz is so exhilarating.

| Yeah I was driving recklessly today weaving around and I don’t do it often but man it’s a thrill

| Yeah man I'm totally not samefagging at all

Total number of posts: 12, last modified on: Sun Jan 1 00:00:00 1719154986

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