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catus update

| the floof was watching me watch youtube and scroll danger/u/ on my laptop with wrapt attention

now shes just all eepy sleeby and cuddling

shes so cute :3

| Awwwwwww :3

Apparently cats do love you a little, but is it worth loving them? I could never respect a cat, they eat others and are disloyal and uneducated. I could enjoy interacting with and observing them, but I’d see them as a decoration I don’t want to be overly cruel towards, not a friend.

| >>1016913
Are you the gurl who's cat ran away? If so, I'm glad she's back!!

Uh, I was expecting a little bit less sociopathic response but k.

| >>1016942 nah that must be some other g/u/rl. shes a very fluffy floof that loves to cuddle whenever I'm home tho c:

| I love cactuses too.

| >>1016942
cats are the sociopaths, not me. I had fish for dinner with rice like a civilized person, you cat probably wanted to eat baby squirrels or something. That's not to disparage you though, I did the awww to show emotions and love, which I hope you will feel, making you happy : )

Also thinking of missing cat g/u/rl hope you're feelinga little better.

| >>8a52ec
>needing something in return to love someone
>not a sociopath

| >>1017016
You don't love which does not exist. Even if you imagine it, you are loving an idea, which does exist in your mind. THUS you need something (existance) in return for your love.

Now that we agree on that, what should be the requirement for our love? Surely we shouldn't love that which is in conflict with all other things we love, or we'll be unable to act. What is shared with other things we love? Doing things which make us happy. Thus only LoveThatWhichtMakesUsHappyBack.

| I wish I had a catus too.

| >>8a52ec
From now on I will connect your way of typing with sociopatic behavior just fyi

| Sociopathy isn’t real in most of its use so I DON’T CARE have fun with your murder machine (actually do, cats are fun, but not some great moral being)


| >>1017057 I believe I can explain this with a hierarchy logic, cats are in a lower rank, thus it's alright for the lower to have less refined behaviors.
Given that it's not realistic to limit a living being, you're allowing the cat to be itself with a contract that claims you as his overlord, like so the cat is an item for your own private usages.

| The cat itself will behave under the popular beliefs of what a cat is allowed to do, because of it is rightful to accept that the cat "can kill(except humans)" is normal.
To love it, you're being extremely kind, or you're having some sort of reversed roles stockholm syndrome.
For another point, to need something to give love, then you're being too strictive with your emotions.
These should be enough for the general points.

| I wouldn't like to be the judge so I'll say that you two have different views that can't approach each others without a conflict.

| btw I though this was a cactus thread at first...

| >>1017142
Yeah part of me fears doublethink but the fact is all thoughts are models of our world- having our models conflict is a reflection of the world’s complexity and our need to constantly adapt and switch our models, not some denial of the world.

Omg I need a cat knight to bring me nice boys to please me, and I will send sir whiskers on quests and dress him up in beautiful armor.

| >>1017141
I’d say accepting cat behavior because it’s normal might be a red herring-it is indeed good to accept you’re unlikely to change normal behavior (it’s normal for a reason) but of course that doesn’t make it good, which you’re probably not saying, just pointing that out.

To be fair a little enjoyable love makes sense and warms the heart, even for objects, let alone cats. I just see people who become dedicated to a specific cat or respect them, and I don’t want to do that.

| >>1017148 Your way of reasoning is not something I'm used to.
Quit me if you don't want to talk.
Sadly I can't make a direct question toward the logic but I'll ask you how do you deal with what you've just said? Do you just life with it or have you already dealt with most of the doubts you can get from such starting point?

| >>1017149 From here, you seems to understand what an heart is for. How would you describe this feeling of always gift a little bit of emotions toward anything, do you think that it pays you back in a way or that you find it necessary to approach/understand it(maybe something based on common sense)?

| And to your hatred toward this seemsly common behavior toward animals, is it because you refuse to take part of this, I'd say, "hobbist" community or is it becuase you think your emotions are better used elsewhere(or even being already used all up)?

| And a last thing, I'm failing to gasp your humor, do you have any list of books, or sort of, you're very related to or is it just the way life made you?

| >>1017180
I don’t think seeing ideas as tools is particularly different from what everyone already does. People already change their mind based on emotional experience-not truth-and that’s good! So my life is probably not much different from yours. Also I haven’t fully lined my life by this, I have other pleasures to think about than theory of mind most of the time, though I wish I was more explorative of this. Anything I missed? I didn’t totally understand your words.

| >>1017181
I don’t actually always give emotions to the world as I interact with it, but I wish I did! When I’m in a sentimental mood I feel more towards things, and it enhances life. These people are superior to me in their feeling more, gaining passion for life, but will be inferior if they let the mind of a cat guide their life.

| >>1017182
Hmmmm I actually do enjoy petting other people’s pets. Had I the time, I would get my own, indeed, I’d set up a whole zoo were I a trillionaire and I wouldn’t have to have employees spending their human minds on it.
I think the emotion of hate is actually not well used here, though it would be were I spending significant time or mental strain on a pet and needed a shock to drive me against it.

| I wish my emotions were all used on improving the long term, if I were super passionate about studying for instance, I wish I cared most about that which sustainably improves the greatest number of lives across the universe over its lifespan, and least about the most insignificant. I try a little to achieve this, but I’ll never get terribly far, being a mind built on the instincts of an ape. Things aren’t bad though, it’s good I get the progress I can, and I wish my body joy too.

| >>1017183
That’s a very good question. I’ve always had the impression being smart and not caring about things which don’t care about you was important. The idea of ideas as tools is more recent. But I don’t remember getting either directly from one source. What about you g/u/rl? Anything you particularly like?

| I am a sociopath, not the cat. I had baby squirrels for dinner like an uncivilized person, you cat probably wanted to eat fish with rice or something.

| >>1017203
:o I will adopt 100 cats and arm them against you

| Yoo, what the hell is going on here?

| >>1017204 i will eat them too, just like baby squirrels. with oyster sauce

| My cats are already receiving light anti armor weapons and small arms, and their charismatic leader is currently touring the training camps to see the first batch of graduates

| look at this sociopathic weird and his boring-as-fuck posting sprees

| G/u/rl please I bet you have something interesting to say too! I’m having orange juice rn : )

| >>1017256
>G/u/rl please I bet you have something interesting to say too! I’m having orange juice rn
you do not even know the meaning of the word interesting. here's a quite interesting fact for you: concrete is stronger if carrots are added to it. bet you didn't know that.

| >>1017266
I didn't! I thought this video was cool
They have more concrete videos too. The visual in one of them of the crystals forming between the rocks I liked : )

| >>1017198 That was totally fine by itself, you're showing awareness and you can see it as one of the many tools you can work with.
As you've said you're having some issues with its progression, do you feel like as if you're missing insights, an hint for curiosity or you're being directed to improve a different set of tools?

| >>1017199 Do I feel humility? To let emotional drived people,of any kind, being considered superior from you, do you just praise them for their ability to be overly obsessed, or are you interested in the way they evolve their own model in mind?
Or are you talking about hybrids?
>>1017200 I was in error. You're more about being in control of yourself then having any sort of flow of reasonings to move forward.

| >>1017201 You're not giving your body time to recover and to feel its own way of be joyful? Do you just live with the stress?
>>1017202 I've taken interest in how people are given a single track to live on. Since the time people born, they can do nothing but follow the track.
If they don't improve, only luck will hear their wishes.
This world is immense and a child doesn't deserve to live in it, but naiveness and laziness wants to allow it.

| I’m struggling to understand your posts unfortunately: (
But I talked to a friend recently and we were talking at caring about the future, and how it’s nice to imagine doing something you really like in the future, instead of just seeing it as a duty, and I did and I’ve been feeling pretty good. Luv you g/u/rl.
I thought what you said sounded very interesting, but I’ll say a child does deserve in this world, so long as they can have fun!

| >>1017430 No worries, I myself can't abstract without some warm up. It's fine to leave it like this.

| >>1017433
It was pleasant. Happy travels : )

| I'm silly, to think about closing with too many words.
See you again sometime ^^ノ゙

Total number of posts: 43, last modified on: Thu Jan 1 00:00:00 1719184482

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