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im retarded

| i destroyed my headphones so that my life would be worse so that i would finally kill myself
clearly that didn't work so now i just don't have headphones

| You should try to make your life better rather than worse.

| Glad you've held on, though. You don't want to die over some headphones. That'd be silly.

| you seems lacking on options, if you ever want to change, any sort of self harm is a no no.
The relitable way to get out is to slowly limit more your extra useless entertainingbased stuff you may are doing. And also insert more productive stuffs as it gets emptier, at first you'll hate it but you'll also get to understand how to take control over your life.

| If you wanna make urself suffer go over work out, go rock climbing, go hiking for 4 hours, go play a sport, join a boxing group, or an archery group, or study random shit, get a job, whatever. That'll totally make you suffer even more and wanna kys even more go do that stuff I promise

| My PSU just exploded and i was stuck with only state-TV for a week. As a depressed NEET that sits in front of the PC all day, it didn't really change anything. I think I'm just as happy doing absolutely nothing as when I'm doing something, so you too can reach this state! Don't give up!

| Remember: You're only a loser when you're fine with being a loser.

| >>1016482
Literally the opposite. You’rea loser when you’re not fine so if you were fine with being a loser you’d be a winner

| try doing every single drug possible at the same time

| >>1016487 You've lost me.

| Let's get fuck up on drug

| >>1016491 Another thinly veiled advertisement from the big drug companies.

| just masturbate bro

| >>1016493 u get sad if u call urself a loser. if u enjoy being a loser it doesn't feel like losing anymore

| >>1016573 I believe that's called 'coping' in the industry

| >>1016579 it's called "coping" when you're still being overly judgemental and "relaxing" once you start ignoring social expectations>u0

| Coping is literally a good thing, it’s seething impotently which is bad

| >>1016524
Agreed. Masturbate your bros.
With your mouth.

Total number of posts: 18, last modified on: Mon Jan 1 00:00:00 1718683416

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