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why not lol

| here's my website
i have nothing to lose.

| how many miners do I get if I click it?

| >>1016465 Neovim? why not Vim?
I use Arch btw

| >>1016465 honestly i hate your links on website, i wanted give chance your recommended music but it gives me "Sign in to confirm that you're not a bot" and i refuse to register on this abandoned platform. you could use youtube, spotify, soundcloud, bilibili or anything waht don't require registrations after few tabs. i give your website 1/10

| Codeberg is a funny sounding name.

| Hi Mira! Can you host an email address and give me the username and password over here so I can contact you? I’m lazy : (

Also thanks for piped.lunar.icu! I thought invidious stopped working or something. Tell me if there’s a good way to view twitter.

| your interests bore me.

| >>1016485 going to "Preferences" and switching instances a few times will fix it

| >>1016476 neovim has a lsp client built-in

| anyway bye

| >>1016564 wtf really?


| >>1016563 i refuse to open it once again honestly, i was disapointed fair enough.

>>1016802 you don't miss anything, trust me, you would feel just sad

| >>1016802 https://upload.disroot.org/r/Nqf_LK9t#XaHmy/mDL2DXBNaPPNGs7Rtp8jomeOTU+zbD5IiAPmQ=

| >>1016864 i won't update this spyware

| *install

| >>1016875 k.

| I will once I’m off my phone

| Thanks! I got it. Didn't use the scripts or whatever just opened the html myself. I hope I can have sex with mira.

| >>1016966 https://dangeru.us/u/thread/1016751

Total number of posts: 20, last modified on: Sun Jan 1 00:00:00 1718839223

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