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Have you ever wondered about how much grown you've lacking to face life

| It seems to me that no matter how much you experience, you'll have to keep facing new characters. They'll all hate you and you'll have the willpower and strenght to surpass them. Even if try to imagine how a better yourself would manage to overcome every obstacle, there is going to be that lasting feeling of facing a different world of entities who'd know every way to beat you up without you even gasping the smallest of the details in the situation.

| Try sex

| I love sex

| I love sex with myself. But out of cum rn. Keep me in your thots!

| Everyone likes me.

You must be doing something wrong.

| Thats life for you

>>1016032 I side with this guy too. I am the coolest ever.

| Just like, kill them, they'll never be a problem again

| >>1016032 >>1016045 So it's life
Pretty sure anyone can make a mask that looks cool and style on the public till they get it right.
Only requirement is to learn how to select which people are okay to make enemies and which are not.

| >>1016083 Brutal, I'll pass, there is only running to do if you dirty your hands.
And also, luckly, not enough traumas to become so twisted.
Time is better at deciding who'll live longer, it's definitely entertaining to watch people taking risks just to move one or two steps forward.

| Knowing how to differentiate and deal with all these varying creatures seems to come naturally for some people but I'm really bad at it. I try to think and assume that people are all kind and helpful in general, only to realize that most of them are selfish, self-preserving, egoistic and would do anything they can to only get what they want from you or to push you off the boat to save themselves. Real world is scary to me, or maybe I'm just hanging around in the wrong places.

| I haven't had a problem with this. The trick is to not look at the guy at the pub funny.

| >>1016116 Have hot, steamy BDSM sex with the sexy pub guy.

| >>1016122 While to make that suggestion would succeed in getting me a pounding behind the pub, it would hardly be the sort of pounding you're hoping for.

| >>1016103 it depends on what you want. If you're unsure you'll need to experience life more closely.
People grown differently, it happens that there are certain things that made your place worse from your point of view.
I believe that pointing you a path wouldn't be uselful in your current state.

Total number of posts: 14, last modified on: Thu Jan 1 00:00:00 1718288995

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