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Drugs ruined my brain

| Didn't even take too much to make me delusional

| cute

| what drugs

| This is how it works

| I use to od on random pills for fun cause I was depressed af. Never took any serious drugs like coke or whatever but still had a decent time most the time. Just rember to stay safe, or I WILL come over there to kick ur ass

| ur mom ruined my brain

| >>1015511 coke? like coca-cola? yeah, soda can be addictive sometimes.

| Why do silly dumb humans take substances that fuck up their biological computers in their head?

| >>1015681 Try microdosing some malware. Then you'll understand.

| You're just using them wrong drugs are awesome

| OP flew too close to the sun

| Well duh, that's what drugs do

| where do u gurls get ur drugs from?
thinking about starting it because I've got nothing better to do in life and am a lonely freak

| >>1015852

| >>1015856 don't laugh nig/u/rl I'm so disconected from my generation its not even funny (only a little giggle worth)

| Lmao nig/u/rl

| >>1015852 pharmacy

| also doing drugs because bored - based

| >>1015681
Cause my silly body harms itself so much that it needs them to not shut down from pain
My brain too actually

| ^ hot

| dxm is fun

| dxm gives me the shits

| Yeah drugs are fun but did you ever had stable economy in Victoria 2??

| stable economy in victoria 2 can be fun but have you ever tried playing gregtech? this shit hits harder and more addictive than the heroin

| I keep seeing this thread whenever I check the board and I keep reading it as "Dogs ruined my brain"

| dogs ruined my bar

| Adrenaline is the best drug

| Okay, now please excuse but I realized I HAVE TO make this joke:

Your love is a drug!

Ba dum tss

| >>1016015 >>1016053 holy shit it's some humongous amount of valhalla jokes per square meter here
I played it so long ago that I've forgotten all about it

| >>1016057 yeah coming back to thisbsite after all these years it really has lost a lot of it's VA-11 Hall-A charm

| >>1015477 not even hard shit, I think I just have a disposition to mental illness

Total number of posts: 31, last modified on: Tue Jan 1 00:00:00 1718215292

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