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I was knowingly cruel to a poltard and I don't regret it, and I'm not sure how to stop(or even if I want to)

| it kept running its mouth so i dropped a truthbomb and he got so offended by the truth he RQ:d the game

| boring

| boring stop

| /poltards deserve it tbh. They ruin every website they can comment on.

| Weird. Usually when I drop a bomb nobody within its blast radius is intact enough to get offended anymore.

| >>1015408
No we don't. I want to have sex with you I want to cum in you I want to lick you

| Xenophobes of the world, unite!

| poltards? Like the ones using polar coordinates over cartesian coordinates?

| The fuck is a poltard

| >>1015410
poltards are a special breed of delicate sensitivity

| >>1015589
Mmm hmmm but loving and gentle when nurtured correctly. Same as Redditors. PolXReddit hnnng

| /pol/ has fallen
Billions must breed

Total number of posts: 12, last modified on: Sat Jan 1 00:00:00 1717817555

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