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Gather round, ye hunters. The fire is warm.

| Those who hunt any game that isn't human, share your stories! I'll count fishing too, since fishermen tend to bring wild and totaly real stories.

| I once had to hunt a mouse which my cat brought into the house as a gift. We hunted together, from room to room, like one hunter.
When I tried to grab the mouse I degloved its tail.
In the end I coaxed it into a box and released it outside, then I watched as my cat slaughtered it in my garden.
She ate the head and left me the rest.
We hunted together.

| What about the endangered specie of goth girls?

| Tried for blue catfish. Lost a a couple rigs, my spot was very tangly. I will NOT be fishing until I can use efficient technology.

| Not my own story, but I have a buddy who once had a problem with a rat, so set up a rat trap in his backyard. The trap involved a basin of water above which some peanut-butter bait was hung, such that a rat would try for the bait, fall in, and drown.

He didn't catch the rat, but he did succeed in inadvertently killing, if I recall, THREE squirrels with the thing. I thought it hilarious he managed to kill three of the wrong rodent with the thing.

| Not really what OP is looking for but I used to go fishing a lot with my grandpa. Some of the fondest times I remember, I would love to go fishing again some time

| >>1015276
Same here except with my dad. Fishing was his big passion so we fished a lot and when we didn't eat what we catched we used it as crayfish bait, except for pike which we usually released.

I never got a hunting license either but several of my friends did and I sometimes accompany them at the range to shoot at clay pigeons and stuff like that.

| >>1015292 This but at the park. Never caught any big fish there, but i did have nice long chats with some old dudes

Total number of posts: 8, last modified on: Fri Jan 1 00:00:00 1717565402

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