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Narcis question

| i think i like one, but also i feel that is often jealous, and may somehow toxic to me.. but also is giving too much attention to me, and.. i feel confused ;-;

| Narcissists are good for you. Date them immediately. And don't forget to kill yourself.

| >>1015019 ty

| Just think of narcissists like a 2 year old kid. He's happy as long as you treat him like a king, and he gets angry and throws a temper tantrum when he doesn't get what he wants.

You're confused because of what's called the "uncanny valley".

You are looking at this grown ass person, you see that he's a human being, you expect him to behave like a human being, but... he doesn't. He's actually a replicant, he fails the Voight-Kampff test, and that makes you uncomfortable.

| >>1015028 i feel with it little.. but when she get what she wants, she makes me feel special.. and i feel she can read my mind and feel mindfucked around her..

truth is that i really admire her by the way as she is. But replicant?

| All relationships with narcissists go through 4 stages: Idealization, Devaluation, Repetiton, and Discard. You're just in the first stage.

Yes, narcissists are good mind readers because they're always watching out for ways to feel special through others and coming up with ways on how to get it. It's addictive, but it's all an act, sis.

Thing is, you can't really confront them about any of this because they're just like replicants. They just don't know that they're actually one.

| >>1015037 if it's first stage I'm in this phase for a while ^^ if i can be honest I don't want leave it but also.. idk
Truth is that i feel really addicted and attached to her too much

| >>7f4ebb that's a really good description

>Too good


| man, now i want to know how >>7f4ebb learned about this

| >>1015115 who knows, but it's little hot, maybe i will fall in her

| is she narcisst too? fuck why are narcisst so attractive ;-;

| So long as you aren't peddling illegal drugs in any way, dating a narc should be fine.

| Any hot girl with mental abnormality is extra hot

| What is the cure for such disorders?Beatings

| >>1015136 i have ocd, anxiety, attachment issues i do self harm and may bpd, am i hot?

| >>1015206 I can't fix you

| >>1015208 I'm simple, hugs me, handle my nonstop attention, headpat me, say me nice things, play games with me, let's eat together, travel and everything xd

| >>1015206 you should like you have more chromosomes than there are states in the union

| >>1015206 extremely

| Nothing more based than the saying "DO NOT. STICK. YOUR DICK. IN CRAZY." Nothing.

| >>1015206

I think my dog is a narcissist : ( Bought a therapy book and tried to work through it with her and she destroyed it

| >>1015341 i have no idea sadly :c i'm kind of cat person

| As for me, I'm more of a rabbit person myself if this will help you anyhow

| Rabbits fluffy and warm but I don't think want to cuddle because they're scared lil guys

| >>1015422 i agree, you should headpat me and i will nya for you~

| >>1015449
pat pat

| I like mentally ill women.

| >>1015499 nyaaaa~~~ *hugs you*
>>1015522 you called me?

| Narcissist ≠ toxic
A lot of the time narcissists are toxic, but there's also plenty (especially diagnosed ones) who are chill cause they understand themselves and choose not to hurt others (at least not intentionally)
It's similar to how it is with autism or BPD. Could easily be toxic or snap at you if they don't know how to manage, but if they understand themselves and feel safe around you they can be great people and very interesting

| >>1015522 me too, sis. Me too

| >>1015530
*pats faster* where do you live do you have a matrix?

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