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I'm going out for some shopping

| what should I pick up?

| One Hydrodynamic Spatula with Port-and-Starboard attachments, and let's not forget the turbo drive!

| can never have too many batteries, i always pick up a new pack every time i go out, urge everyone to do the same. better if you keep track of what you got last time so you can alternate AA and AAA, or just buy both at the same time each time

| >>1015002 buy a lg resu for your house and rechargeables for your portable devices
disposable batteries are the eternal jew

| Get something you've never had before it can be fun to try new things

| >>aca495 I tried to do this and brought some protein bars with covers that looked very appealing to eat when I got hungry and my god, it's one of my worst ever purchases in recent times. It tasted like pig fodder.

| lul but it's new! Get a new fruit of veggie next time.

| goth girl

| An air fryer with at least 2 rows for frying

| Exotic import beer,just get wasted

| Sardines. In oil. If you get the stuff in brine it tastes bad.

| go to a pet store and buy ten packets of live locusts, then open them in the store and let the little buggers run free
its not illegal !

Total number of posts: 12, last modified on: Thu Jan 1 00:00:00 1717404539

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