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does sisyphus dream of electric sheep?

| >be me, wagie on a saturday
>wake up at 6am
>look at phone
>253 unread messages, probably work and exes

why live?

| Select All -> Move to Trash

Or I guess you could skim the subject headers. And see if you can unsubscribe from anything you don't need.

| Get a new phone number

| >>1014848 you had exes nig/u/rl be thankful of that
I would die and kill for a moment of knowing I was once loved

| >>1014860 is this where i... actually no, we dont need more of those

| LOL I have 600 from a groupchat

| >>1014863 do it p/u/ssy, mention that unholy place

| >>1014878 when even that forsaken realm doesnt want such filth, you know its bad

| >>1014884 if anything, this is the precise type of human waste we should expel to vrc

| Why are people even working on their weekends I just don't get it. Only the chosen ones truly enjoy their weekends. Everyone else got ridiculous deadlines to meet.

| >>1014885 we DONT need more pollution
almost like new york city here now, and we're trying to escape real life stress here
i can only block so many sad eboys

| >>1014934 good. suffer.

| >>1014934 it's where you belong vrc user

| Degrowth vrc

| Cut the drama, llama

Total number of posts: 15, last modified on: Mon Jan 1 00:00:00 1717349168

This thread is permanently archived