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I hate tinnitus

| It's constant, it's loud, I always have to play some type of noise, at this point just fuxking like disconnect my left ear from my brain THE NOISES, THE NOISES GURLS ITS DRIVING ME CRAZY

| Try putting it inside a bag of rice.

| I never got how people commit sui over it. Like it's constantly the end of a rocky fight but idgaf.

Maybe if you're more ocd inclined?

Sounds like you need to fuck up you need to fuck up the right ear too.


| oo ee oo

| Come join Maelstrom

| I also suffer from tinnitus and the only piece of advice I can give is the more you focus on it the louder it is so do your best to distract yourself from it

| >>1014809 most of the time its not that bad, but when im alone and theres no sounds going on its all i can hear even if im distracted. Bleh

| I feel that >>1014821 I do my best to keep music or rain sounds on in the room I'm in but it's not always an option if I go somewhere else

| Tf you want me to do about it??Cum in ur ear??

| >>1014877 yes

| >>822127 if there are stem cells in the cum it could fix the problem

| yeah simply reach up your vagina g/u/rl and take an egg, and put it in your ear with the sperm

| Reducing your sodium and iron intake should help

| *continues chewing on a steel rod*

| You hate titties?!

| >>1014877 can I goom in your ears too?

Total number of posts: 16, last modified on: Sun Jan 1 00:00:00 1717564862

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