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Heart beating fast

| Hey gurrllsss its me ya bitch who confuses pee filled cans of beer with regular beer and needs alcohol to feel normal today is day one of being sober and my FUCKING BRAIN FEELS LIGHT AF and my heart is beating very fast it is very uncomfortable also I am scared as fuck to get wernick korsakof syndrome because my memory has been getting fuzzy lately so tomorrow I'll load up on some b vitamins from the pharmacy

| before the post fills up with gamers, i wanna say i believe in u and u can do this ok, if u have any friends or family that can support u plz dont feel bad for leaning on them, im sure they want this for u just as much as u do, so do ur best !! <3<3<3

| Good luck, don't die!

| Yeah Bee careful, but this will be for the best. Alcohol withdrawal can be very scary, so make sure you researched this, but don’t go back to being an alchie

| Try sober sex

| Go go gadget cardiac arrest!

| goddamn gurl thats impressive of you to stop. i'm rooting for you!

| >>1014554 hi, i'm a gamer. alcohol is a poison invented by literally semites (shoutouts mesopotamia) and anyone who refuses to partake is a friend of mine.
do your best, op.

| >>1014640
Unironically true can we get a reply from OP?

| >>1014668
trolls never reply to their own threads(under the same name/ID)

| have you tried to turn it off and on?

| mate turned the accessability setting off and is learning how to operate without, good shit

nah fr though, thats an impressive effort youre makin there g/u/rl, keep your friends and family close and good luck!

Total number of posts: 12, last modified on: Fri Jan 1 00:00:00 1716935819

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