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boba places are scary..


| you mean people with experience in social environments, right?
If you've skipped the social interactions events earlier in the life I do recommend to find some park or such, and strike a silly weather chat.

| >>57cf8c This. "Introverted" is a code word for socially retarded, just like "neurodiverse" is a code word for mentally disabled.

| >>39cb3a Rather them than the Endoverts.

| I thought you get your sister to get them for you?

| shoot it up Kenzir Massacre revolutionary massacres of disparaging elite by the Ordinary NOW
Boba Places demonic energy underground flesh interface

| boоba places are scary...

Aaaaaaaaaa milkers

| Boba places are filled to the brim with people who probably voted for Jimin instead of our king Henry Cavill for most handsome man on earth. So yeah, pretty scary. Imagine how concentrated the underlying cringe is, and how thin is the veil protecting you from it, g/u/rl

| I don’t think you can be handsome without being good. My Dad is the handsomest man in earth and that’s a fact.

| asking for my cat, how many times did you had sex together?

| >>1014800 My cat says she doesn't like to play with you

| >>1014805 I'd be interested to make our cats play together when the sun goes off if you know what I mean

| more like booba places am i right dx

| Always feels awkward ordering boba tea because it's such a childish drink.

Yeah, give me the tea with a shit ton of milk and sugar. Yeah with the balls in it. I wanna suck on balls, and don't forget the extra special straw for it :3

| Only a problem if you're trying to maintain a scary persona. Just order it like that. But yeah I don't get it cause diabetes

Total number of posts: 15, last modified on: Tue Jan 1 00:00:00 1717172171

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