I'll be bold

| if anyone here has touched grass.
what are you thoughs about traveling?

| cool and good
anything specific?

| as a starter, sea or mountain?
what do you think about the places you visit in general by personal interests
if you put some thoughts about the history or traditions of certain buildings
or like the inspirations someone had when they planned it out
and then down the rabbit hole with how much shit you give to the people born there.

| i used to be very sea-oriented but a few hikes in 2km+ taught me that natural beauty is indiscriminate and you shouldn't be either
i need you to rewrite the second question in a less 50k manner
architectural history offers a lot to those who intend to be architects themselves, otherwise its just ideological masturbation
locals can be cool to hang out with but i don't care for them if it can be helped. they're people like you find anywhere else
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| survive on grains and public bathroom tap water

Total number of posts: 5, last modified on: Wed Jan 1 00:00:00 1714240566

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