The soul is not a reified entity

| Then again, there are some who might object that soul in the Western tradition is a reified entity. On the face of it, this is a valid objection for most ordinary people in the West use the notion of soul in a reified way. However, this is not how the soul is understood in the mystical traditions of Judaism, Christianity, Islam or even Hindu.

| We can easily find references in all these mystical traditions to soul as a flow of consciousness, as a dynamic continuum of consciousness. Many understand that this flow is actually not a flow in time, but a dynamic unfoldment from the unseen world to the world of actuality.

| The soul reveals itself to be a flow of consciousness—a continuum of awareness that is aware of itself.

| which imgur post did you steal this from

| >>36bafd

| I don't wanna be Rei-fied... I know as much as that, having seen The End of Evangelion.

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