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social ignorant tries to work

| Is there something am I missing? I've been trying to understand people's roles.
One tard manages the moral and keep the workers on line, will casually burst raging.
Another tard does live as star of the work, great responsabilites etc, if she fails, she fucks up big.
All the rest are the workers johnette and stevette, who need to do x y tasks given.
So the point is to learn how to work decently and how to hole the system of the tards above and shit on them?

| You need to stop using reddit

| >>1010440 indeed

| this post reads like a 50K chan post from a universe where she actually had a job

| I feel like I got a seizure reading op

| What are you even trying to say?

Total number of posts: 6, last modified on: Wed Jan 1 00:00:00 1712334392

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