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going out for a walk feels like an information overload half of the time

| That's it, that's the post. I don't really know how to describe it.

It's also the kind of insignificant thing that I go to to a professional to get checked for, but after doing some tests they find nothing.

Anyone else have these minuscule health concerns?

| Only concern I have is you *x*

| this usually signifies a subconscious desire to have sex with your own mother

| Yeah, I get what you're saying. If I isolate myself for too long I get an information overload and racing thoughts for the first few hours after leaving my flat.

Take last week for example, I had to take the train with no headphones or music to distract mysself with and I thought "Welp, it's just gonna be me and my thoughts for 40 minutes. It's gonna be hell" but after two train rides it got better and my thought process went back to normal.

| I didn't use to have these problems but ever since the psychiatric "care" mistreated me and bullied me to cover it up I haven't been well and I have trouble focusing on anything else but said bullying.

| I didn't use to have these problems but ever since the psychiatric "care" mistreated me and bullied me to cover it up I haven't been well and I have trouble focusing on anything else but said bullying.

| yea u can try gaining some resistance by regulary suffering outside or something idk u might just get used to it

| what tests have you had done, and who performed these
this is something you go to an occupational therapist for, or more likely in the case of /u/, an autism expert
sensory issues are common in autism spectrum shit so it's a good idea to try
have fun

| I'll overload your senses all right >>sucks ur gock

| I'd overload you with my informations half of the times, if you feel like going outside ;;;;)

| >>1010039

First paragraph sounds kinda like my experience, although maybe to a milder extent than what you describe. Also, I'm sorry your situation seems so rough. I genuinely hope all goes well to you.

| >>1010070
I haven't sought out a professional for this thing in particular. I meant it's kinda like when you go to the doctor because of some symptom you're having, but then they don't find anything wrong with you. Maybe people don't really relate to this. I could elaborate but that's a blogpost for another day.

Coincidentally my therapist did tell me I might have the tism, but I'm not too sure it's related to this.

| "Information overload" was probably a bad way to put it. It's more like, if I'm walking at a normal pace, it's like my mind is really distracted and when I try to focus I start to get a migraine. When I stop or walk really slow, it might be that my mind is able to process the incoming information in time. Honestly typing all of this out makes me sound crazier than I believe I am. Also I'm ESL so this was probably written in a somewhat unnatural way, to make things worse.

| Anyway, I'm fine, really. It's just a thing that happens to me sometimes and I make it sound worse than it really is. Might just be stress so... schizopost over.

Total number of posts: 14, last modified on: Wed Jan 1 00:00:00 1711927817

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