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Got a tip for writing dialogues?

| For 1 traffic of course. help an illiterate g/u/rl out, yeah?

| Not that good at writing so i'll just leave this here

| Talk it out. Just imagine you're having a conversation. Or rather, your characters are.

I only skimmed it but this has some pretty good advices. I'd just like to add that if you're writing prose, it's fine that you weave actions with the dialogues. In fact, doing that is a skill you gotta train.

Also using "he said" "she said" in prose is necessary so readers know who is talking. Only use other verbs ("exclaimed", "shouted") when it matters to the story.

| >>1009692 thanks, this look interesting. I'll read it rn

>>1009696 aight I'll give it a shot

| Make it like an actual conversation. Not every single sentence has to be super relevant to the story. Bit of banter, maybe occasional awkward pauses, misunderstandings, just general elements that are part of real life conversation, yk?
A lot of writers fall for the trap of making every sentence just be an info dump or purely to push the story forward, so they end up with cardboard characters who don't feel like actual people

Total number of posts: 5, last modified on: Fri Jan 1 00:00:00 1711736371

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