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broke up with a femboy

| i realized i was lesbian mid date. still hurts like a bitch though. i was seeing him for like six months. i liked cuddling him, but i was wishing he was a trans girl the whole time.

in retrospect it should have been obvious this would happen as i am a huge himejoshi but i guess i'm just stupid and oblivious.

| And this is why terrible woman will always remain single but always question why

| Congrats in the self discovery, I guess? Good to know you didn't drag it on if it wasn't working

| >>50a6b4 wow, misogyny in a femboy thread, its almost like the lot of you are jailhouse gays to begin w/. kys

| >>1003360 why didn't you try to groom him into becoming a cute trans girl though? Was he opposed to the idea?

| >>1003411 i don't know. i'm off my hrt and can't think straight for 20 consecutive minutes anymore.

Total number of posts: 6, last modified on: Mon Jan 1 00:00:00 1708309112

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