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So… you were alone in Valentine’s Day. What did you do yesterday?

| I just went on with my day like any day other

| edged all day

| i was outside with my live-in partner. stop projecting, prostitutes in japan-san

| I gifted a valentine to random girl in park and just ran away lol

| Majan

| i fucked my friend

| Work...

| >>1002599
oh that too lmao

| It was election day and my country just elected a human rights violating dictator so I spent most of it and the next day sobbing.

| I love sex.

| >>1002611 What the hell, AN INDONESIAN...

| I guess I'm not that special.

| I...

| >>1002627 INDONESIAN??! just like that elusive 50k?! Whoa..

| I played civ6 and fistful of frags and got drunk.

| I made a 3d penguin for a friend

| listened to the Liz Phair discog and read smut

| >>1002636 really nice :3

| >>1002909 I'll give you 50k if you go to 50k-chan's living den and fucked her mouth

| >>1002909
How do Indonesian people even find this board? Did the game have fan translation or something?

| >>1002971 I'm 89% sure they can read english

| >>2dbaf1 Indonesia can also have autistic trans cat girls

| >>1002971
Unlike Europeans and Brazilians, we NEVER get good translations so we're forced to learn English if we want to play games.

| >>1002996 Indonesians are cool ever since the movie "The Raid" came out.

| Gooned to fart porn for hours.

| I was fucking your mouth

| I played p&p RPGS with my friends. We're all single and undersexed, even the girls. Had fun though.

| Having sex. Would recommend. Do love.

| Had sex and had fun

Total number of posts: 29, last modified on: Wed Jan 1 00:00:00 1708496268

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