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Dog poop vs fox poop

| I'm convinced my neighbor is throwing their new dog dookie into my garden but they said it's fox poop.

It's quite chunky and maybe to 2-3 inches in width, can fox turds be big? First time seeing poop out in the open, don't they go in the bushes or dirt?

| taste it and come back here, I can help

| if it's like gum it's probably dog(unless he feds the poor beast with mushrooms and shits), otherwise it's a fox and they're keeping the little boy in some cage as fox can't be usually become pets.

| It can also be human poop, try to seek an expert and make a dna test. Poop is the least evidence you want to leave in a crime.

| Nah its durable >>1002341 doubt it's human poop though

| I'm in your wall and your garden is my toilet

Total number of posts: 6, last modified on: Thu Jan 1 00:00:00 1707973293

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