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I Drove Into A Fence Today

| It was pretty anticlimactic. I was driving along in a back alley, and made it to a T in the road. It was pure ice. I was driving very slow, but the brakes did literally nothing to stop me and I went through. ( x.x) The owner was super chill though, and told me not to worry about it. ( ^.^) It's not every day you drive into someone's fence, so I thought I'd share.

| I know how to stop on ice? It is not just "push the brakes as hard as you can".

| You, not I...

| pedal to the metal

| >>1000210 I have lived in an icy climate my entire life. I know how to stop on ice. It was just... exceptionally icy, with a skiff of snow on top. There was no stopping g/u/rl. ( x.x)

| Did they fucked your mouth?

| Oof that feelsbadman.
Good the owner at least was understanding

| Glad you are okay g/u/rl!!! A car crash can be real scary. I only had my car hydroplane once and my asscrack was full of sweat afterwards.

Did Mr Fence Owner fuck your mouth?

| >>1000242 Then tell me what you did in order to stop.

Total number of posts: 9, last modified on: Wed Jan 1 00:00:00 1707346870

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